Physics 111: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Part-1 Continuous Wave Physics 111 Advanced Laboratory. Professor Sumner Davis This video part 1 accompanies the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Experiment, providing students with an introduction to the theory, apparatus, and procedures. In the NMR experiment, nuclear dipoles (the samples) are subjected to a static magnetic field of about 4000 gauss as well as a time-varying radio-frequency magnetic field perpendicular to the static field. The static field causes Zeeman-effect splitting between sub-states, and the radio frequency field is tuned to the Larmor frequency so that it induces transitions between the sub-states. The resonance condition is observed using the Bloch two-coil induction technique. You will observe proton and fluorine nuclei. You will learn techniques of lock-in detection and signal averaging.
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Channels: Physics (General)
Tags: Physics 111: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Part-1 Continuous Wave
Uploaded by: berkeleyphy111 ( Send Message ) on 19-09-2012.
Duration: 18m 22s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - Physics 111: Atomic Physics (ATM) Part 1. Balmer Series
Lec 2 - Physics 111: Atomic Physics (ATM) Part 2. Zeeman Effect
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Lec 9 - Physics 111: Gamma Ray Spectroscopy (GMA)
Lec 10 - Physics 111: Hall Effect In A Plasma (HAL)
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Lec 18 - Physics 111: Energy Levels Lecture Part 2
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