Physics 111: Atom Trapping (MOT) Physics 111 Advanced Laboratory. Professor Dan Stamper-Kurn This video accompanies the Atom Trapping Experiment, providing students with an introduction to the theory, apparatus, and procedures. Experimental physics tends generally toward the interconnected goals of control, clarity and precision: one controls all aspects of a physical environment so as to exhibit sought-after phenomena with the greatest clarity and, thereafter, to test physical theories with demanding precision. The pursuit of these goals is central both to the broad field of ultracold atomic physics, and also to this specific experiment. Here, we make use of laser spectroscopy and electronic feedback to stabilize the frequency of a coherent optical field to roughly one part in 108, allowing us to examine precisely the interactions between atoms and light. We exert control over both the internal dynamics and also the center-of-mass motion of atoms, the building blocks of matter, reaching the lower reaches of the temperature scale and establishing conditions for the study and application of quantum coherence. Our focus is on the technique of laser cooling, wherein the mechanical impacts of atom-light interactions are employed to extinguish the motion of atoms in a dilute gas. Of the many variants of laser cooling, the magneto-optical trap (MOT) is undeniably the workhorse. The experimental targets in this laboratory are twofold: to control the frequency of a single-mode laser using laser spectroscopy and electronic feedback, and to produce and characterize a vapor-cell MOT of 85Rb. In pursuing these targets, we hope you will take the opportunity to learn about atomic physics and to gain experimental skills in laser spectroscopy, laser optics, and feedback control.
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Channels: Physics (General)
Tags: Physics 111: Atom Trapping (MOT)
Uploaded by: berkeleyphy111 ( Send Message ) on 19-09-2012.
Duration: 35m 54s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - Physics 111: Atomic Physics (ATM) Part 1. Balmer Series
Lec 2 - Physics 111: Atomic Physics (ATM) Part 2. Zeeman Effect
Lec 3 - Physics 111: Beta Ray Spectroscopy (BRA)
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Lec 5 - Physics 111: Instrumentation Section Lab Equipment (BSC)
Lec 6 - Physics 111: Bubble Chamber (BBC)
Lec 7 - Physics 111: Carbon Dioxide Laser (CO2)
Lec 8 - Physics 111: Compton Scattering (COM)
Lec 9 - Physics 111: Gamma Ray Spectroscopy (GMA)
Lec 10 - Physics 111: Hall Effect In A Plasma (HAL)
Lec 11 - Physics 111: Holography (HOL)
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Lec 14 - Physics 111: Radiation and Laboratory Safety
Lec 15 - Physics 111: Laser Safety
Lec 16 - Physics 111: Atomic Physics (ATM) Theory Lecture ONLY
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Lec 18 - Physics 111: Energy Levels Lecture Part 2
Lec 19 - Physics 111 Light Sources and Detectors Lecture
Lec 20 - Physics 111: Optical Instruments Lecture
Lec 21 - Physics 111: Energy Transitions Lecture Series
Lec 22 - Physics 111: Laser Induced Fluorescence and Raman Scattering (LIF)
Lec 23 - Physics 111: Low Light Signal Measurements (LLS)
Lec 24 - Physics 111: Non-Linear Spectroscopy and Magneto-Optics Part 1 (MNO)
Lec 25 - Physics 111: Non-Linear Spectroscopy and Magneto-Optics Part 2 (MNO)
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Lec 30 - Physics 111: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Part-2 Pulsed NMR
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