"Lec 4 - Aesthetic Science of Color" (October 16, 2009) Stephen Palmer, UC Berkeley Psychology, discusses his research on how humans think about, associate and react to color to demonstrate that it is possible to study the science of aesthetics. Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford Engineering Everywhere: http://see.stanford.edu/ Stanford Center for Professional Development: http://scpd.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford
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Channels: Computer Science
Tags: computer science technology humanities internet creation application online industry color psychology aesthetically pleasing individual color combination preference calorimetric emotional musical associations HCI harmony internal coherence
Uploaded by: stanfordcompsem ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 76m 52s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 2 - Backtracking Events as Indicators of Software Usability Problems
Lec 3 - Programming by Sketching
Lec 5 - Segmenting and Connecting: From Event Perception to Comics
Lec 6 - Why is the Google Book Search Settlement So Controversial?
Lec 7 - Multi-Sensor HCI for Smart Environments
Lec 8 - Enabling Practical Ubiquity
Lec 9 - How Dynamic Content Affects the Way People Find Online
Lec 10 - Designing a Unified Experience
Lec 11 - How Prototyping Practices Affect Design Results
Lec 13 - The Anti-Ergonomy of Instruments of Interaction
Lec 14 - Speaking Versus Typing
Lec 15 - How Multiplayer Games Will Change the Future of Work
Lec 16 - Driving User Behavior with Game Dynamics
Lec 17 - Interactive Art and Social Meaning
Lec 19 - Anthropomorphic Interfaces for the Underserved
Lec 21 - Designing Stuff: Lame Gods in the Service of Prosthetic Gods
Lec 22 - Designing Stuff: Lame Gods in the Service of Prosthetic Gods
Lec 23 - Lifelong Kindergarten: Design, Play, Share, Learn
Lec 24 - How We Think with Bodies and Things
Lec 25 - Interdisciplinary Design for Services, Systems, and Beyond