"Lec 62 - The Real Story on Fuel Economy" January 7, 2009 lecture by Lee Schipper for the Woods Energy Seminar (ENERGY301). In his talk "When the Rubber Hits the Road: The Real Story on Fuel Economy in the US and other Developed Countries, with Implications for Developing Asia," Schipper discusses better and more realistic fuel economy options in the US and other industrialized nations. The Woods Energy Seminar is an interdisciplinary series of talks primarily by Stanford experts on a broad range of energy topics. Lee Schipper is a Senior Research Engineer at the Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency at Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment http://woods.stanford.edu/ Stanford Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford
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Tags: science economics engineering environment global warming energy climate change policy technology research education international issues oil fuel emissions carbon transportation congestion car mileage automobile vehicle bus transit
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Duration: 61m 26s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1 - Scenarios of the Global Climate Energy System
Lec 2 - Wind, Water and Sunlight
Lec 3 - Low-Energy Building: European Design and Control
Lec 4 - California's Low-Carbon Fuel Standard
Lec 5 - Japan and the Future of Nuclear Energy
Lec 6 - The Status of Concentrating Solar Power Development
Lec 7 - Stanford's Energy Story: Present and Future
Lec 8- Transportation and Climate Change
Lec 9 - Global Cookstove Problems
Lec 10 - Renewable Power Entrepreneurship
Lec 11 - Canada's Oil Sands, Warts and All
Lec 12 - Energy Lessons from the Heartland
Lec 13 - Solar Geoengineering to Manage Climate
Lec 14 - Cap and Trade in California
Lec 15 - The Gulf Oil Spill: Where Did All the Oil Go?
Lec 16 - New York and Climate Change
Lec 17 - AB32 and Proposition 23
Lec 18 - Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford: The Grand Challenge
Lec 19 - Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford: The Grand Challenge
Lec 20 - The Energy Innovation Ecosystem
Lec 21 - Climate Change and Global Prosperity
Lec 22 - Does Biochar Deliver Carbon-Negative Energy?
Lec 23 - Nuclear Regulation in Our Era
Lec 24 - Global Transition to Electric Vehicles
Lec 25 - Nuclear Power: How, Why, Barriers
Lec 26 - Making Large Scale Solar Work
Lec 27 - Fuels from Sunlight Using Nano-Materials
Lec 28 - Consumer Responses to Electric Vehicles
Lec 29- The Way Forward with Electric Drive
Lec 31 - China's Influence on Solar Energy
Lec 32 - COP15 and the Stanford Student Experience
Lec 33 - The Energy Challenge and the Case for Fusion
Lec 34 - Controlling Climate Change After Copenhagen
Lec 35 - More Than 50% Wind on the Grid
Lec 36 - Transmission Siting Issues
Lec 38 - Demystifying and De-Jargoning the Smart Grid
Lec 39 - Global Climate Architectural Policy
Lec 40 - Communicating Climate Science in a Changing Media Landscape
Lec 41 - Solar Energy at Scale
Lec 42 - Solar Cell Technology in 2009 and Beyond
Lec 43 - Solar Photovoltaic Installation and Financing
Lec 44 - Economic Analysis of the Solar Industry
Lec 45 - Sustainable Energy Systems: Scale, Tradeoffs, and Co-Benefits
Lec 46 - U.S. Energy Future: Transportation Fuels
Lec 47 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Oil Substitutes
Lec 48 - Carbon Sequestration & Natural Gas Extraction
Lec 49 - LIFE: Laser Initial Fusion Energy System
Lec 50 - Adaptation to Climate Change
Lec 51 - Benefits of a Restructured Electric Industry
Lec 52 - Killers Apps for the Smart Grid
Lec 53 - Renewable Energy and the Economy
Lec 55 - Nuclear Sustainability and Climate Change
Lec 56 - Sequestering CO2 in the Built Environment
Lec 57 - A Pathway for Widespread Geothermal Energy
Lec 58 - Smart Grids & Decarbonizing the Power Sector
Lec 59 - Renewable Ocean Energy Conversion Systems
Lec 61 - New Ways for Regulating Greenhouse Gases
Lec 64 - Nanomaterials for Batteries & Energy Storage
Lec 65 - Marine Energy Technology: Waves and Currents
Lec 66 - William McDonough on Eco-Friendly Design
Lec 67 - Advanced Molecular Photovoltaics
Lec 68 - Equitable Climate Solutions: Stephen Pacala
Lec 70 - Evaluating Energy Solutions to Climate Change