"Lec 44 - Economic Analysis of the Solar Industry" (October 28, 2009) Annie Hazlehurst, graduate student at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and in the E-IPER program, discusses the current state and future of the solar photovoltaic industry from an economic and business perspective with a specific focus on when the price of photovoltaic-generated electricity will be competitive with other generation methods. Stanford University http://www.stanford.edu Stanford Graduate School of Business http://gsb.stanford.edu/ Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources http://e-iper.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford
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Tags: economics photovoltaics solar power grid parity energy industry
Uploaded by: stanfordenesemi ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 50m 26s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1 - Scenarios of the Global Climate Energy System
Lec 2 - Wind, Water and Sunlight
Lec 3 - Low-Energy Building: European Design and Control
Lec 4 - California's Low-Carbon Fuel Standard
Lec 5 - Japan and the Future of Nuclear Energy
Lec 6 - The Status of Concentrating Solar Power Development
Lec 7 - Stanford's Energy Story: Present and Future
Lec 8- Transportation and Climate Change
Lec 9 - Global Cookstove Problems
Lec 10 - Renewable Power Entrepreneurship
Lec 11 - Canada's Oil Sands, Warts and All
Lec 12 - Energy Lessons from the Heartland
Lec 13 - Solar Geoengineering to Manage Climate
Lec 14 - Cap and Trade in California
Lec 15 - The Gulf Oil Spill: Where Did All the Oil Go?
Lec 16 - New York and Climate Change
Lec 17 - AB32 and Proposition 23
Lec 18 - Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford: The Grand Challenge
Lec 19 - Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford: The Grand Challenge
Lec 20 - The Energy Innovation Ecosystem
Lec 21 - Climate Change and Global Prosperity
Lec 22 - Does Biochar Deliver Carbon-Negative Energy?
Lec 23 - Nuclear Regulation in Our Era
Lec 24 - Global Transition to Electric Vehicles
Lec 25 - Nuclear Power: How, Why, Barriers
Lec 26 - Making Large Scale Solar Work
Lec 27 - Fuels from Sunlight Using Nano-Materials
Lec 28 - Consumer Responses to Electric Vehicles
Lec 29- The Way Forward with Electric Drive
Lec 31 - China's Influence on Solar Energy
Lec 32 - COP15 and the Stanford Student Experience
Lec 33 - The Energy Challenge and the Case for Fusion
Lec 34 - Controlling Climate Change After Copenhagen
Lec 35 - More Than 50% Wind on the Grid
Lec 36 - Transmission Siting Issues
Lec 38 - Demystifying and De-Jargoning the Smart Grid
Lec 39 - Global Climate Architectural Policy
Lec 40 - Communicating Climate Science in a Changing Media Landscape
Lec 41 - Solar Energy at Scale
Lec 42 - Solar Cell Technology in 2009 and Beyond
Lec 43 - Solar Photovoltaic Installation and Financing
Lec 45 - Sustainable Energy Systems: Scale, Tradeoffs, and Co-Benefits
Lec 46 - U.S. Energy Future: Transportation Fuels
Lec 47 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Oil Substitutes
Lec 48 - Carbon Sequestration & Natural Gas Extraction
Lec 49 - LIFE: Laser Initial Fusion Energy System
Lec 50 - Adaptation to Climate Change
Lec 51 - Benefits of a Restructured Electric Industry
Lec 52 - Killers Apps for the Smart Grid
Lec 53 - Renewable Energy and the Economy
Lec 55 - Nuclear Sustainability and Climate Change
Lec 56 - Sequestering CO2 in the Built Environment
Lec 57 - A Pathway for Widespread Geothermal Energy
Lec 58 - Smart Grids & Decarbonizing the Power Sector
Lec 59 - Renewable Ocean Energy Conversion Systems
Lec 61 - New Ways for Regulating Greenhouse Gases
Lec 62 - The Real Story on Fuel Economy
Lec 64 - Nanomaterials for Batteries & Energy Storage
Lec 65 - Marine Energy Technology: Waves and Currents
Lec 66 - William McDonough on Eco-Friendly Design
Lec 67 - Advanced Molecular Photovoltaics
Lec 68 - Equitable Climate Solutions: Stephen Pacala
Lec 70 - Evaluating Energy Solutions to Climate Change