Lec 22 - Fascists. European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202) While Nazi Germany's crimes were unprecedented, Adolf Hitler himself was in many respects a typical figure. An idle youth, of seemingly mediocre talents, his political career and passionate hatreds were formed by the experience of World War I. The rise of fascism in Germany, as elsewhere, must be understood in the context of a postwar climate of resentment and instability. Germany's economic crisis, in particular, led the middle classes to support National Socialism well before any other group. This resentment would find a ready outlet in the form of increasingly persecuted minority populations, above all the Jews. In considering Nazism against the backdrop of a more general wave of extreme rightwing and fascist political sentiment, it is important to note that the policies of the Third Reich were not only known to but also endorsed by the majority of the German population. 00:00 - Chapter 1. The Life of Adolf Hitler 20:39 - Chapter 2. Support of the Nazi Party: Rightwing Revisionism After the First World War 33:15 - Chapter 3. Order, Terror and Atomization: Society in Nazi Germany 42:16 - Chapter 4. Faith unto Death: Nazis throughout and After the War Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2008.
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Tags: Adolf Hitler National Socialism Nazi World War One World War Two socialism communism Marxism fascism Vienna Berlin modern technology Riefenstahl Auschwitz Dachau concentration camp Holocaust Jew Franco Mussolini Oswald Ian Kershaw Linz Wagner Third Reich Karl Lueger Mein Kampf Reichstag fire Waffen SS middle class economic crisis inflation Treaty of Versailles Stauffenberg
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Duration: 47m 29s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1- Introduction to European Civilization
Lec 2 - Absolutism and the State
Lec 3 - Dutch and British Exceptionalism
Lec 5 - The Enlightenment and the Public Sphere
Lec 6 - Maximilien Robespierre and the French Revolution
Lec 8 - Industrial Revolutions
Lec 11 - Why no Revolution in 1848 in Britain
Lec 12 - Why no Revolution in 1848 in Britain
Lec 15 - Imperialists and Boy Scouts
Lec 16 - The Coming of the Great War
Lec 18 - Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning (Guest Lecture by Jay Winters)
Lec 19 - The Romanovs and the Russian Revolution
Lec 20 - Successor States of Eastern Europe