Lec 9 - Middle Classes. European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202) The nineteenth century in Europe is, in many ways, synonymous with the rise of the bourgeoisie. It is misleading, however, to consider this newly dominant middle class as a homogenous group; rather, the century may be more accurately described in terms of the rise of plural middle classes. While the classes comprising this group were united by their search for power based on property rights rather than hereditary privilege, they were otherwise strikingly diverse. Contemporary stereotypes of the bourgeois as a grasping philistine ought to therefore be nuanced. Along with the real, undeniable cruelty of many capitalists with respect to their workers, the middle classes also pioneered the first philanthropic voluntary associations, broadened the reach of public education, and inspired the development of effective birth control. 00:00 - Chapter 1. The Nineteenth Century, the Bourgeois Century 06:04 - Chapter 2. The Middle Class Work Ethic 10:57 - Chapter 3. Voluntary Organizations of the Middle Classes: Charity and Religion 15:49 - Chapter 4. Demographics of the Middle Class 20:39 - Chapter 5. Variations within the Bourgeoisie: From Financiers to Schoolteachers 35:18 - Chapter 6. The Homes of the Bourgeoisie: Common Cultural Accoutrements Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2008.
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Tags: bourgeois petty bourgeoisie middle class self-identity Daumier clothing proletariat aristocracy commerce Marx culture philistinism money capital Manchester voluntary association religion Louis Philippe shopkeeper Balzac childhood privacy
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Duration: 50m 35s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1- Introduction to European Civilization
Lec 2 - Absolutism and the State
Lec 3 - Dutch and British Exceptionalism
Lec 5 - The Enlightenment and the Public Sphere
Lec 6 - Maximilien Robespierre and the French Revolution
Lec 8 - Industrial Revolutions
Lec 11 - Why no Revolution in 1848 in Britain
Lec 12 - Why no Revolution in 1848 in Britain
Lec 15 - Imperialists and Boy Scouts
Lec 16 - The Coming of the Great War
Lec 18 - Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning (Guest Lecture by Jay Winters)
Lec 19 - The Romanovs and the Russian Revolution
Lec 20 - Successor States of Eastern Europe