Lec 28 - Physics 111: Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos (NLD)

Physics 111: Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos (NLD) Physics 111 Advanced Laboratory This video accompanies the Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos Experiment, providing students with an introduction to the theory, apparatus, and procedures. This experiment is an introduction to Non-Linear Dynamics, Data Acquisition, Chaos theory and Fractals. Limited as we are by our senses and relatively short powers of recall, much of the physical world seems aperiodic and defies quantitative description. While we have yet to discover closed form solutions to the simplest of systems (e.g. the one-dimensional gravitational three-body problem), the field of chaos reveals structure in their dynamics. The results of chaos theory have found practical applications in almost every branch of science. In this experiment you will study the response of at least two different dynamical systems: A non-linear, damped harmonic oscillator and a system of op amps that reproduces the Lorentz attractor. You will measure their linear and non-linear behavior using software to measure their information dimension. You will learn the basics of digital sampling, Fourier transforms, geometric analysis of autonomous differential equations, information entropy, correlation dimension and the basics of programming in LabView (a data-acquisition and control language written by National Instruments). http://advancedlab.org

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Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Physics 111: Atomic Physics (ATM) Part 1. Balmer Series

Lec 2 - Physics 111: Atomic Physics (ATM) Part 2. Zeeman Effect

Lec 3 - Physics 111: Beta Ray Spectroscopy (BRA)

Lec 4 - Physics 111: Brownian Motion in Cells (BMC)

Lec 5 - Physics 111: Instrumentation Section Lab Equipment (BSC)

Lec 6 - Physics 111: Bubble Chamber (BBC)

Lec 7 - Physics 111: Carbon Dioxide Laser (CO2)

Lec 8 - Physics 111: Compton Scattering (COM)

Lec 9 - Physics 111: Gamma Ray Spectroscopy (GMA)

Lec 10 - Physics 111: Hall Effect In A Plasma (HAL)

Lec 11 - Physics 111: Holography (HOL)

Lec 12 - Physics 111: Introduction to Error Analysis

Lec 13 - Physics 111: Josephson Junction Effect (JOS)

Lec 14 - Physics 111: Radiation and Laboratory Safety

Lec 15 - Physics 111: Laser Safety

Lec 16 - Physics 111: Atomic Physics (ATM) Theory Lecture ONLY

Lec 17 - Physics 111: Energy Levels Lecture Part 1

Lec 18 - Physics 111: Energy Levels Lecture Part 2

Lec 19 - Physics 111 Light Sources and Detectors Lecture

Lec 20 - Physics 111: Optical Instruments Lecture

Lec 21 - Physics 111: Energy Transitions Lecture Series

Lec 22 - Physics 111: Laser Induced Fluorescence and Raman Scattering (LIF)

Lec 23 - Physics 111: Low Light Signal Measurements (LLS)

Lec 24 - Physics 111: Non-Linear Spectroscopy and Magneto-Optics Part 1 (MNO)

Lec 25 - Physics 111: Non-Linear Spectroscopy and Magneto-Optics Part 2 (MNO)

Lec 26 - Physics 111: Atom Trapping (MOT)

Lec 27 - Physics 111: Muon Lifetime (MUO)

Lec 29 - Physics 111: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Part-1 Continuous Wave

Lec 30 - Physics 111: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Part-2 Pulsed NMR

Lec 31 - Physics 111: Optical Pumping (OPT)

Lec 32 - Physics 111: How to do an Oral Report

Lec 33 - Physics 111: Optical Trapping (OTZ)

Lec 34 - Physics 111: Rutherford Scattering (RUT)

Lec 35 - Physics 111: Hall Effect In A Semiconductor

Lec 36 - Physics 111: Soldering Technique

Lec 37 - Physics 111: X-Ray Crystallography