Lec 5 - Earth Systems Analysis (Tank Experiment)

"Lec 5 - Earth Systems Analysis (Tank Experiment)" The Atmosphere, the Ocean and Environmental Change (GG 140) Several experiments are performed using a water tank with an input flow of water and an output flow. These experiments demonstrate the concepts of equilibrium and steady-state in system analysis and are analogous to various Earth systems; lakes and rivers and the overall heat budget of the planet. The greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is a mechanism for increasing the heat input from the sun in the overall heat budget of the Earth system. 00:00 - Chapter 1. System Analysis (Tank Experiment) 13:35 - Chapter 2. Steady State Calculations 23:34 - Chapter 3. System Analogies 35:59 - Chapter 4. Plotting Qin and Water Depth versus Time Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://oyc.yale.edu This course was recorded in Fall 2011.

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