"Lec 5 - Plague (III): Illustrations and Conclusions"Epidemics in Western Society Since 1600 (HIST 234) One of the major cultural consequences of the second plague pandemic was its effect on attitudes towards death and the "art of dying." As a result both of its extreme virulence and the strictness of the measures imposed to combat it, plague significantly disrupted traditional customs of dealing with death. This disruption made itself felt not only in religious belief and burial practices but also in art, architecture and literature. European culture was profoundly shaped by the experience of the plague, as witnessed by the advent of symbols such as "vanitas" and the danse macabre in iconography, as well as the visual representations associated with the new cults of plague saints. The successful containment of the plague might be seen to have exercised a similarly powerful effect in shaping the philosophical project of the Enlightenment, in that the measures taken to ward off death gave material substance to theoretical claims of progress. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Effects of Bubonic Plague on European Culture 02:51 - Chapter 2. "Ars moriendi": The Art of Dying 07:54 - Chapter 3. "Mors Repentina": Death Unleashed 19:53 - Chapter 4. "Vanitas" and "Danse Macabre": Life as Transitory and Fragile, and Death as a Merry Dance 29:14 - Chapter 5. Cults of Plague Saints 37:24 - Chapter 6. Plague as a Factor in European Intellectual History Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2010.
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Tags: Lec 5 - Plague (III): Illustrations and Conclusions
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Duration: 44m 12s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction to the Course - Epidemics in Western Society
Lec 2- Classical Views of Disease: Hippocrates, Galen, and Humoralism
Lec 3 -Plague (I): Pestilence as Disease
Lec 4 - Plague (II): Responses and Measures
Lec 6 - Smallpox (I): 'The Speckled Monster'
Lec 7 -Smallpox (II): Jenner, Vaccination, and Eradication
Lec 8 - Nineteenth-Century Medicine: The Paris School of Medicine
Lec 9 - Asiatic Cholera (I): Personal Reflections
Lec 10 -Asiatic Cholera (II): Five Pandemics
Lec 11- The Sanitary Movement and the 'Filth Theory of Disease'
Lec 13 - Contagionism versus Anticontagionsim
Lec 14 -Tropical Medicine as a Discipline
Lec 15 - The Germ Theory of Disease
Lec 16 - Malaria (I): The Case of Italy
Lec 17- Malaria (II): The Global Challenge
Lec 18- Tuberculosis (I): The Era of Consumption
Lec 19- Tuberculosis (II): After Robert Koch
Lec 21- The Tuskegee Experiment
Lec 24 -Poliomyelitis: Problems of Eradication
Lec 25 -SARS, Avian Inluenza, and Swine Flu: Lessons and Prospects