Lec 13 - Contagionism versus Anticontagionsim

"Lec 13 - Contagionism versus Anticontagionsim"Epidemics in Western Society Since 1600 (HIST 234) The debate between contagionists and anticontagionists over the transmission of infectious diseases played a major role in nineteenth-century medical discourse. On the one side were those who believed that diseases could be spread by infected material, perhaps including people and inanimate objects, and on the other those who subscribed to the more venerable miasmatic theory. Although the contagionist view would be substantially vindicated by Robert Koch's germ theory of disease, it is important not to simply ignore the arguments put forward by the anticontagionists. Although these were based on science that has since been disproven, the concrete proposals put forward by scientists like Max von Pettenkofer marked a major step forward for public health policy. In particular, the anticontagionists' emphasis on the environmental factors of disease control continues to provide an important lesson. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Contagionism and Anticontagionism 07:14 - Chapter 2. Max van Pettenkofer 14:38 - Chapter 3. Contagionism 19:34 - Chapter 4. Anticontagionists 29:22 - Chapter 5. Pettenkofer's "Groundwater Theory" Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2010.

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