Lec 14 -Year 2008 - Guest Lecture by Andrew Redleaf

Guest Lecture by Andrew Redleaf Financial Markets (ECON 252) -Year 2008 Andrew Redleaf, a Yale graduate and manager of Whitebox Advisors, a hedge fund, discusses his experience with financial markets. He addresses one of the fundamental questions in finance--whether or not markets are efficient--and concludes that although they don't seem to be efficient, beating the market is very difficult. Mr. Redleaf discusses his thoughts about psychological barriers that make markets inefficient. He also comments on his beliefs regarding risk management and how people are compensated for mitigating risks, rather than for taking on risk as is often perceived. He ends by answering several questions from students. 00:00 - Chapter 1. The Markets Are Not Efficient 10:15 - Chapter 2. Psychological Factors of Market Inefficiency 25:57 - Chapter 3. Rewards Are for Risk-Mitigating, Not Risk-Taking 33:14 - Chapter 4. Issues in the Current U.S. and Global Economies 43:41 - Chapter 5. Questions: Cash and Bonds as Default Investments 01:04:35 - Chapter 6. Speculating on Backdated Options Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2008.

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