"Lec 14 - Guest Speaker Maurice " Financial Markets (2011) (ECON 252) This is a guest lecture by Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, former Chief Executive Officer at American International Group. Mr. Greenberg starts his lecture with reflections on his time in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean War as well as on his first job in the insurance business as a junior underwriter. Subsequently, after meeting Cornelius Vander Starr, he restructures Starr's failing company The American Home and creates the American International Group (AIG). Factors that have contributed to AIG's success include global diversification through the opening of markets worldwide, the development of innovative insurance products, like political risk insurance and kidnap ransom insurance, and a unique corporate culture that manifests itself in Mr. Greenberg's view of the senior management during his time as a band of brothers. Turning his attention to the early years of the 21st century, he addresses Eliot Spitzer's role in his parting from AIG in 2005 and describes the developments at AIG that ultimately resulted in the government's bailout of the company. He concludes with his personal assessment of the causes of the financial crisis from 2007-2008 and a critical perspective on the role of the government during this crisis. In the following questions-and-answers session, he talks, among other topics, about the insurance industry in China, and shares his views about AIG's current CEO Robert Benmosche and the Dodd-Frank Act from 2010. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction of Maurice "Hank" Greenberg 01:56 - Chapter 2. The Start of a Career in the Insurance Industry 10:33 - Chapter 3. Creating AIG and its Basic Principles of Operation 14:37 - Chapter 4. The Connection between Foreign Policy and Business 20:09 - Chapter 5. AIG's Growth and the Expansion into Financial Services 28:30 - Chapter 6. Eliot Spitzer and Greenberg's Parting from AIG 32:31 - Chapter 7. AIG Shortly before and during the Financial Crisis 44:45 - Chapter 8. Assessment of the Causes of the Financial Crisis 52:16 - Chapter 9. Questions & Answers Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://oyc.yale.edu This course was recorded in Spring 2011.
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Channels: Finance
Tags: Lec 14 - Guest Speaker Maurice
Uploaded by: yalefinancialmkt ( Send Message ) on 14-09-2012.
Duration: 70m 49s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction and What this Course Will Do for You and Your Purposes
Lec 2 - Risk and Financial Crises
Lec 3 - Technology and Invention in Finance
Lec 4 - Portfolio Diversification and Supporting Financial Institutions
Lec 5 - Insurance, the Archetypal Risk Management Institution, its Opportunities and Vulnerabilities
Lec 6 - Guest Speaker David Swensen
Lec 8 - Theory of Debt, Its Proper Role, Leverage Cycles
Lec 11 - Behavioral Finance and the Role of Psychology
Lec 12 - Misbehavior, Crises, Regulation and Self Regulation
Lec 15 - Forward and Futures Markets
Lec 16 - Guest Speaker Laura Cha
Lec 20 - Professional Money Managers and their Influence
Lec 21 - Exchanges, Brokers, Dealers, Clearinghouses
Lec 22 - Public and Non-Profit Finance
Lec Last - Finding your Purpose in a World of Financial Capitalism