Lec 1 - Iterating Your Product and Market Strategy

"Lec 1 - Iterating Your Product and Market Strategy" Greg Ennis and Sanjay Dholakia discuss the keys to iterating to success in a startup and gives examples from Crowd Factory of the challenges in creating a successful market strategy and getting the most from your customers. With over a century and a half of venture capital experience and many more years of practice in entrepreneurship, the teaching team and guest lecturers for this student initiated course cover the fundamentals for building a successful company. While there is no set formula for building a great company, basic principles and general patterns are manifested in the most successful start-ups. Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ Management Science and Engineering at Stanford: http://www.stanford.edu/dept/MSandE Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford

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