Lec 19 - War and Society

"Lec 19 - War and Society"The American Revolution (HIST 116) In this lecture, Professor Freeman discusses the experiences of African Americans, women, and Native Americans during the Revolution, framing her discussion within a larger historical debate over whether or not the Revolution was "radical." Freeman ultimately concludes that while white American males improved their position in society as a result of the Revolution, women, African Americans, and Native Americans did not benefit in the same ways. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction: War and Society 01:53 - Chapter 2. How Radical was the Revolution? 08:52 - Chapter 3. African Americans during the American Revolution: Issues on Fighting and Slavery 24:02 - Chapter 4. The Extent of Inclusion of Women in the Political Community 34:24 - Chapter 5. Native Americans' Relations with the British and the Americans 41:34 - Chapter 6. Conclusion Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2010.

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Duration: 43m 20s

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