"Lec 2 - Being a British Colonist"The American Revolution (HIST 116) Professor Freeman discusses what it meant to be a British colonist in America in the eighteenth century. She explains how American colonists had deep bonds of tradition and culture with Great Britain. She argues that, as British colonists with a strong sense of their British liberties, settlers in America valued their liberties above all else. She also explains that many Americans had a sense of inferiority when they compared their colonial lifestyles to the sophistication of Europe. Professor Freeman discusses the social order in America during the eighteenth century, and suggests that the lack of an entrenched aristocracy made social rank more fluid in America than in Europe. She ends the lecture by suggesting that the great importance that American colonists placed on British liberties and their link with Britain helped pave the way for the Revolution. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction 02:02 - Chapter 2. Association of Colonists' Identity to English Monarchy 11:51 - Chapter 3. The British Colonists' Inferiority Complex 20:34 - Chapter 4. The Fluidity of American Social Order: Gentry Minorities, Prisoners, and Religious Exiles 35:02 - Chapter 5. Salutary Neglect's Effect on British Liberties in the Colonies and Conclusion Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2010.
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Duration: 39m 30s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction: Freeman's Top Five Tips for Studying the Revolution
Lec 3 -Being a British American
Lec 4 - Ever at Variance and Foolishly Jealous
Lec 5 - Outraged Colonials: The Stamp Act Crisis
Lec 6 - Resistance or Rebellion? (Or, What the Heck is Happening in Boston?)
Lec 8 - The Logic of Resistance
Lec 9 - Who Were the Loyalists?
Lec 15 - Citizens and Choices: Experiencing the Revolution in New Haven
Lec 16- The Importance of George Washington
Lec 17 - The Logic of a Campaign (or, How in the World Did We Win?)
Lec 18- Fighting the Revolution: The Big Picture
Lec 22 -The Road to a Constitutional Convention