"Lec 9 - Who Were the Loyalists?"The American Revolution (HIST 116) The lecture first concludes the discussion of the First Continental Congress, which met in 1774. Ultimately, although its delegates represented a range of opinions, the voices of the political radicals in the Congress were the loudest. In October 1774, the Continental Congress passed both the radical Suffolk Resolves and the Declaration and Resolves, which laid out the colonists' grievances with Parliament. The Congress also sent a petition to the King which warned him that the British Parliament was stripping the American colonists of their rights as English citizens. Given such radical measures, by early 1775, many American colonists were choosing sides in the growing conflict, and many chose to be Loyalists. Professor Freeman concludes her lecture with a discussion of the varied reasons why different Loyalists chose to support the British Crown, and what kinds of people tended to be Loyalists in the American Revolution. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction: The Loyalists 01:32 - Chapter 2. Radical Voices in the First Continental Congress: the Grand Council and the Suffolk Resolves 17:23 - Chapter 3. Deliberations over Declaration and Resolves, and the Impact of the Continental Association 27:49 - Chapter 4. Taking Sides: The King's Friends, or the Loyalists 37:53 - Chapter 5. Loyalist Demographics 44:46 - Chapter 6. Conclusion Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2010.
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Channels: Political science
Tags: Lec 9 - Who Were the Loyalists?
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Duration: 45m 51s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction: Freeman's Top Five Tips for Studying the Revolution
Lec 2 - Being a British Colonist
Lec 3 -Being a British American
Lec 4 - Ever at Variance and Foolishly Jealous
Lec 5 - Outraged Colonials: The Stamp Act Crisis
Lec 6 - Resistance or Rebellion? (Or, What the Heck is Happening in Boston?)
Lec 8 - The Logic of Resistance
Lec 15 - Citizens and Choices: Experiencing the Revolution in New Haven
Lec 16- The Importance of George Washington
Lec 17 - The Logic of a Campaign (or, How in the World Did We Win?)
Lec 18- Fighting the Revolution: The Big Picture
Lec 22 -The Road to a Constitutional Convention