Lec 9 -Risk and Law: Pesticide Paradigm

"Lec 9 -Risk and Law: Pesticide Paradigm"Environmental Politics and Law (EVST 255) The lecture charts the evolution of pesticide regulation in the United States. The evolution of the management and regulation of pesticides reflects changes in scientific understanding of pesticides as well as changes in human values. As technology allowed for testing of pesticides at smaller and smaller concentrations, restrictions on pesticide use grew. The government's growing understanding of cumulative risk also has led to changes in pesticide testing and regulation. 00:00 - Chapter 1. An Introduction to the Relationship between Risk and Law 06:07 - Chapter 2. Evolution of Food and Pesticide Law: 1906 -- Present 21:44 - Chapter 3. FIFRA Amendments, EPA's Founding and Dietary Diversity 33:54 - Chapter 4. Fractured Science, Fractured Law 40:41 - Chapter 5. Pesticide Law: A Sequence of Changing Regulatory Priorities Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2010.

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