"Lec 19 - Land Use Law and Property Rights"Environmental Politics and Law (EVST 255) The lecture addresses the issue of takings and when the government has the right to seize private property for the public good. The government is required to compensate property owners in some circumstances. Through legal cases, Professor Wargo gives some examples of when compensation is required and why takings are an important management tool for environmental managers. Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses 00:00 - Chapter 1. Property Rights: Fractured by Law and Custom 12:46 - Chapter 2. Managing Coastal Development and Resources 18:41 - Chapter 3. Surface and Mineral Rights on Public Lands 26:13 - Chapter 4. Nuisance Law; Takings Law 40:21 - Chapter 5. Taking Without Compensation This course was recorded in Spring 2010.
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Channels: Electrical engineering
Tags: Lec 19 - Land Use Law and Property Rights
Uploaded by: yaleenviropollaw ( Send Message ) on 13-09-2012.
Duration: 50m 24s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction to the Course - Introduction to the Course - Environmental Politics and Law
Lec 2 - Principles & Strategies in Environmental Law
Lec 4 - Nuclear Secrecy and Ecology
Lec 5 - Preparing for War: NEPA
Lec 6 - Marine Food-Chains: Mercury
Lec 8 -Chemically Dependent Agriculture
Lec 9 -Risk and Law: Pesticide Paradigm
Lec 10 - Safe Drinking Water: Science and Law
Lec 11 - Safety Claims and Free Speech: Preemption and Defamation
Lec 12 - Air Quality Law: Margins of Safety
Lec 12 -Vehicle Emissions and Public Transit
Lec 14-The Quiet Revolution in Plastics
Lec 16- Evolution of Tobacco Law
Lec 17 -Land Use and Conservation Law: The Adirondack History
Lec 18 -Property Rights and Public Lands Management
Lec 20 - Managing Coastal Resources in an Era of Climate Change
Lec 21 - Certification: Design and Green Architecture
Lec 22 -Past and Future of Nuclear Power