Lec 10 - The Acts of the Apostles

"Lec 10 - The Acts of the Apostles" Introduction to New Testament (RLST 152) The speech that Stephen gives before his accusers in Acts shows how the author of Luke-Acts used and edited his sources. So, also, does the description of the destruction of Jerusalem in Luke, as compared to that in Mark. The major themes of Luke-Acts are 1) the Gospel going first to the Jews and then to gentiles and 2) that of the prophet-martyr, with Jesus as the prophet-martyr par excellence. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Stephen's Speech in the Acts of the Apostles 19:18 - Chapter 2. The Destruction of Jerusalem in Luke 24:18 - Chapter 3. Luke's Gospel to the Jews First 38:19 - Chapter 4. The Prophet-Martyr in Luke and Acts Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2009.

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Duration: 48m 35s

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