Lec 19 - The Household Paul: The Pastorals Introduction to New Testament (RLST 152) In the undisputed Pauline epistles, marriage is seen as a way to extirpate sexual desire - neither as a means for procreation nor as the preferred social status. The Pastoral Epistles, written to instruct in the pastoring of churches and appointing of church offices, presents quite un-Pauline attitudes. In the Pastoral Epistles, the church, rather than an ecclesia, becomes a household, a specifically patriarchal structure in which men hold offices and women are not to have authority over them. They present a pro-family, anti-ascetic message in contrast to the Pauline epistles. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Marriage, Family, Sex, and Women in Paul's Letters 21:01 - Chapter 2. The Pro-Family and Anti-Ascetic Stance in the Pastoral Epistles 26:50 - Chapter 3. The Pastoral Epistles and the Jewish Law 29:53 - Chapter 4. The Church as Household Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2009.
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction: Why Study the New Testament?
Lec 4 - Judaism in the First Century
Lec 5 - The New Testament as History
Lec 10 - The Acts of the Apostles
Lec 11 - Johannine Christianity: The Gospel
Lec 12 - Johannine Christianity: The Letters
Lec 16 - Paul as Jewish Theologian
Lec 20 - The Anti-household Paul: Thecla Introduction to New Testament
Lec 21 - Interpreting Scripture: Hebrews
Lec 22 - Interpreting Scripture: Medieval Interpretations
Lec 23 - Apocalyptic and Resistance
Lec 24 - Apocalyptic and Accommodation
Lec 25 - Ecclesiastical Institutions: Unity, Martyrs, and Bishops