Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction. How calcium ion concentration dictates whether a muscle is contracting or not.
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Channels: Structural Biology
Tags: Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction
Uploaded by: khanbiology ( Send Message ) on 10-09-2012.
Duration: 9m 22s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan
Lec 1 - Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection
Lec 3 - Intelligent Design and Evolution
Lec 4 - Evolution Clarification
Lec 5 - Natural Selection and the Owl Butterfly
Lec 7 - Variation in a Species
Lec 8 - Chromosomes, Chromatids, Chromatin, etc.
Lec 9 - Mitosis, Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Lec 14 - Introduction to Heredity
Lec 16 - Hardy-Weinberg Principle
Lec 20 - ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate
Lec 21 - Introduction to Cellular Respiration
Lec 22 - Oxidation and Reduction Review From Biological Point-of-View
Lec 23 - Oxidation and Reduction in Cellular Respiration
Lec 25 - Krebs / Citric Acid Cycle
Lec 26 - Electron Transport Chain
Lec 27 - Oxidative Phosphorylation and Chemiosmosis
Lec 29 - Photosynthesis: Light Reactions 1
Lec 30 - Photosynthesis: Light Reactions and Photophosphorylation
Lec 31 - Photosynthesis: Calvin Cycle
Lec 36 - Diffusion and Osmosis
Lec 37 - The Lungs and Pulmonary System
Lec 39 - Circulatory System and the Heart
Lec 42 - Sodium Potassium Pump
Lec 43 - Correction to Sodium and Potassium Pump Video
Lec 44 - Electrotonic and Action Potentials
Lec 45 - Saltatory Conduction in Neurons
Lec 46 - Neuronal Synapses (Chemical)
Lec 49 - Role of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Muscle Cells
Lec 50 - Anatomy of a muscle cell
Lec 51 - Role of Phagocytes in Innate or Nonspecific Immunity
Lec 52 - Types of immune responses: Innate and Adaptive. Humoral vs. Cell-Mediated
Lec 53 - B Lymphocytes (B cells)
Lec 54 - Professional Antigen Presenting Cells (APC) and MHC II complexes
Lec 57 - Review of B cells, CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells
Lec 58 - Inflammatory Response
Lec 59 - The Kidney and Nephron