"Lec 23 - May 1968" France Since 1871 (HIST 276) The student protests of May 1968 in France were linked to international protests against the American war in Vietnam and other political and social consequences of the Cold War. In many respects, the terrible condition of many schools in France that led students to revolt remains a problem. Recent attempts to impose American-style reforms on the university system have met with protests that echo some of the demands made in '68; although, other conditions for revolution seem as though they may never again be realized in the same way. 00:00 - Chapter 1. A Protest around the World: The Revolutionary Moment of 1968 09:18 - Chapter 2. The Crisis in the French University System 17:05 - Chapter 3. The Student Demonstrations 26:34 - Chapter 4. The Workers' Strikes 30:07 - Chapter 5. The Common Cause of Students and Workers: Against the Brutalization of Human Relations in the Capitalist Age of Technology 41:41 - Chapter 6. The Inadequacy of the Gaullist Response: A Sincere Revolution without Direction Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2007.
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Tags: May 1968 strike demonstration manif Charles de Gaulle Georges Pompidou Lyndon Johnson Richard Nixon Vietnam student university education reform social protest feminism CRS communism Communist Party PCF bac Sorbonne Nanterre
Uploaded by: yalefrance ( Send Message ) on 01-09-2012.
Duration: 50m 22s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction - France Since 1871
Lec 2 - The Paris Commune and Its Legacy
Lec 3 - Centralized State and Republic
Lec 4 - A Nation? Peasants, Language, and French Identity
Lec 6 - The Waning of Religious Authority
Lec 7 - Mass Politics and the Political Challenge from the Left
Lec 8 - Dynamite Club: The Anarchists
Lec 9 - General Boulanger and Captain Dreyfus
Lec 10 - Cafés and the Culture of Drink
Lec 11 - Paris and the Belle Époque
Lec 12 - French Imperialism (Guest Lecture by Charles Keith)
Lec 13 - The Origins of World War I
Lec 16 - The Great War, Grief, and Memory (Guest Lecture by Bruno Cabanes)
Lec 18 - The Dark Years: Vichy France