"Lec 9 - General Boulanger and Captain Dreyfus" France Since 1871 (HIST 276) Two of the major crises of nineteenth-century France, the Boulanger Affair and the Dreyfus Affair, can be understood in terms of the rising forces of anti-Semitism and Far Right politics. The German conquest of Alsace and Lorraine, in particular, fueled nationalist and right-wing sentiments, especially in rural France. Political orientations and prejudices were formed by the popular media of the time, such as illustrated periodicals and patriotic songs. 00:00 - Chapter 1. The Anti-semitic Context: France and the Jews in the Nineteenth Century 07:47 - Chapter 2. The Boulanger Crisis: General Boulanger, General Victory 22:16 - Chapter 3. Developments in Mass Politics: The Spread of Images and Imaginaire 36:16 - Chapter 4. The Dreyfus Affair Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2007.
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Tags: Georges Noulanger Alfred Dreyfus anti-Semitism World War One Hitler Alsace Lorraine revengisme Sadi Carnot Maurras Drumont Clemenceau Jules Ferry
Uploaded by: yalefrance ( Send Message ) on 01-09-2012.
Duration: 47m 23s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction - France Since 1871
Lec 2 - The Paris Commune and Its Legacy
Lec 3 - Centralized State and Republic
Lec 4 - A Nation? Peasants, Language, and French Identity
Lec 6 - The Waning of Religious Authority
Lec 7 - Mass Politics and the Political Challenge from the Left
Lec 8 - Dynamite Club: The Anarchists
Lec 10 - Cafés and the Culture of Drink
Lec 11 - Paris and the Belle Époque
Lec 12 - French Imperialism (Guest Lecture by Charles Keith)
Lec 13 - The Origins of World War I
Lec 16 - The Great War, Grief, and Memory (Guest Lecture by Bruno Cabanes)
Lec 18 - The Dark Years: Vichy France