Lec 17 - The Peloponnesian War, Part I

"Lec 17 - The Peloponnesian War, Part I" Introduction to Ancient Greek History (CLCV 205) In this lecture, Professor Kagan describes the events that lead up the Peloponnesian War. He argues that the rise of Athenian power and the concomitant challenge to Spartan dominance pointed to potential conflict. However, Professor Kagan also points out that there were many people who did not want war and that therefore war was not inevitable. The Thirty Years Peace was negotiated, and Professor Kagan finally argues that its clause for arbitration was the key clause that could have prevented war. 00:00 - Chapter 1. The Importance of the Peloponnesian War and Its Continuing Value 09:25 - Chapter 2. The Origins of the War 23:37 - Chapter 3. Athens Faces a Critical Decision 30:31 - Chapter 4. Multiple Battles 45:16 - Chapter 5. Reversal of Fortune 56:17 - Chapter 6. The Four Months Truce and Subsequent Thirty Years Peace Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2007.

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