Lec 18 - The Peloponnesian War, Part I (cont.)

"Lec 18 - The Peloponnesian War, Part I (cont.)" Introduction to Ancient Greek History (CLCV 205) In this lecture, Professor Kagan describes the aftermath of the Thirty Years Peace. He argues that the Peace had the potential to keep peace between Athens and Sparta due to the arbitration clause. In addition, he argues that during this time, Athens sends various diplomatic messages to the wider Greek world stating their intentions for peace, such as the Panhellenic venture to establish Thurii. However, this peace is seriously challenged when Corinth and Corcyra come into conflict over Epidamnus. At this point, Athens could make an alliance with Corcyra and run the risk of angering Sparta or allow Corinth to potentially take over Corcyra's navy and change the naval balance of power. Athens decides on a defensive alliance. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Preserving the Thirty Years Peace 10:12 - Chapter 2. The Pan-hellenic Colony of Thurii 22:05 - Chapter 3. Testing the Peace 38:30 - Chapter 4. Civil War at Epidamnus and the Question of Honor 01:12:18 - Chapter 5. Athens Votes on a Defensive Alliance Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2007.

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