Octet Rule eCHEM 1A: Online General Chemistry College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley http://chemistry.berkeley.edu/echem1a Curriculum and ChemQuizzes developed by Dr. Mark Kubinec and Professor Alexander Pines Chemical Demonstrations by Lonnie Martin Video Production by Jon Schainker and Scott Vento Developed with the support of The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation
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Channels: Chemistry (General)
Uploaded by: berkeleyechem1a ( Send Message ) on 18-09-2012.
Duration: 5m 51s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - Sugar and Sulfuric Acid
Lec 6 - Relative and Atomic Molecular Mass
Lec 11 - Hydrogen Oxides (Quiz)
Lec 12 - Conversion Factors 1 (NB)
Lec 13 - Conversion Factors 2 (NB)
Lec 17 - Relative Atomic and Molecular Mass
Lec 18 - Oxygen Isotopes (Quiz)
Lec 21 - Empirical and Molecular Formula
Lec 23 - Phosphorus Oxide (Quiz)
Lec 24 - Phosphorus Product (Quiz)
Lec 25 - Empirical Formula (NB)
Lec 28 - Electromagnetic Spectrum
Lec 29 - Diffraction and Interference
Lec 31 - Interference Pattern (Quiz)
Lec 32 - Colored Solution and Pen Laser
Lec 33 - Colored Solutions Absorbance
Lec 34 - Colored Filter (Quiz)
Lec 35 - Glass Absorption (Quiz)
Lec 37 - Radiation Properties (NB)
Lec 38 - Electromagnetic Spectrum
Lec 39 - Light Intensity (Quiz)
Lec 40 - Light Intensity-Geiger Counter
Lec 41 - Photoelectric Effect-Tennis Ball
Lec 43 - Ejection of Electrons (Quiz)
Lec 44 - Highest KE Photoelectron (Quiz)
Lec 45 - Light Wave-Particle Duality
Lec 46 - Photon splitting (Quiz)
Lec 49 - Matter Particle Wave-Dif Interf
Lec 50 - De Broglie Wavelengths
Lec 53 - Particle In a Box -Tube
Lec 54 - Highest KE Photoelectron (Quiz)
Lec 59 - Absorption and Emission Spectra
Lec 57 - Emission Spectrum (Quiz)
Lec 58 - Laser Induced Fluorescence
Lec 61 - Ion Energy Levels (Quiz)
Lec 64 - P Wave Function (Quiz)
Lec 68 - Electon Spin Magnetism
Lec 69 - Pauli Exclusion Principle
Lec 70 - Electron Configurations
Lec 74 - e Configuration (Quiz)
Lec 76 - Energy of Transitions
Lec 80 - Many Electrons, Shielding
Lec 81 - Ionization Energies, Shielding
Lec 82 - Ionization Energy (Quiz)
Lec 83 - Atomic Ionization (Quiz)
Lec 84 - Ionized Electron KE (Quiz)
Lec 85 - Ionization Energy (NB)
Lec 86 - Electronic Configuration (NB)
Lec 87 - Mercury Vapor Lamp (Gas Discharge Tubes)
Lec 88 - Ionization Energy, Electron Affinity
Lec 89 - Alkaline Metals In Water
Lec 90 - Alkaline Metals In Water(v2)
Lec 91 - Alkaline Metals In Water
Lec 93 - ECHEM LESSON 09 SEG06 Atomic Properties
Lec 94 - Trend In Ionization Energy