Lec 126 - Math Mechanics of Thai Banking Crisis

Math Mechanics of Thai Banking Crisis Going through the mechanics of how a Thai financial institution can lose their shirt when their currency devalues.

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Channels: Economics

Tags: Math Mechanics of Thai Banking Crisis

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 18-09-2012.

Duration: 7m 41s

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan

Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Production Possibilities Frontier

Lec 2 - Opportunity Cost

Lec 3 - Increasing Opportunity Cost

Lec 4 - Allocative Efficiency and Marginal Benefit

Lec 5 - Economic Growth through Investment

Lec 6 - Comparative Advantage Specialization and Gains from Trade

Lec 7 - Comparative Advantage and Absolute Advantage

Lec 8 - Law of Demand

Lec 9 - Price of Related Products and Demand

Lec 10 - Changes in Income, Population, or Preferences

Lec 11 - Normal and Inferior Goods

Lec 12 - Inferior Goods Clarification

Lec 13 - Law of Supply

Lec 14 - Factors Affecting Supply

Lec 15 - Market Equilibrium

Lec 16 - Changes in Market Equilibrium

Lec 17 - Price Elasticity of Demand

Lec 18 - More on Elasticity of Demand

Lec 19 - Perfect Inelasticity and Perfect Elasticity of Demand

Lec 20 - Constant Unit Elasticity

Lec 21 - Total Revenue and Elasticity

Lec 22 - More on Total Revenue and Elasticity

Lec 23 - Cross Elasticity of Demand

Lec 24 - Elasticity of Supply

Lec 25 - Elasticity and Strange Percent Changes

Lec 26 - Demand Curve as Marginal Benefit Curve

Lec 27 - Consumer Surplus Introduction

Lec 28 - Total Consumer Surplus as Area

Lec 29 - Producer Surplus

Lec 30 - Rent Control and Deadweight Loss

Lec 31 - Minimum Wage and Price Floors

Lec 32 - Taxation and Dead Weight Loss

Lec 33 - Percentage Tax on Hamburgers

Lec 34 - Taxes and Perfectly Inelastic Demand

Lec 35 - Taxes and Perfectly Elastic Demand

Lec 36 - Marginal Utility

Lec 37 - Equalizing Marginal Utility per Dollar Spent

Lec 38 - Deriving Demand Curve from Tweaking Marginal Utility per Dollar

Lec 39 - Budget Line

Lec 40 - Optimal Point on Budget Line

Lec 41 - Types of Indifference Curves

Lec 42 - Economic Profit vs Accounting Profit

Lec 43 - Depreciation and Opportunity Cost of Capital

Lec 44 - Fixed, Variable, and Marginal Cost.

Lec 45 - Visualizing Average Costs and Marginal Costs as Slope

Lec 46 - Marginal Cost and Average Total Cost

Lec 47 - Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost

Lec 48 - Marginal Revenue Below Average Total Cost

Lec 49 - Long Term Supply Curve and Economic Profit

Lec 50 - Perfect Competition

Lec 51 - Monopoly Basics

Lec 52 - Monopolist Optimizing Price (part 1)- Total Revenue.

Lec 53 - Monopolist Optimizing Price (part 2)- Marginal Revenue

Lec 54 - Monopolist Optimizing Price (part 3)- Dead Weight Loss.avi

Lec 55 - Optional Calculus Proof to Show that MR has Twice Slope of Demand

Lec 56 - Review of Revenue and Cost Graphs for a Monopoly

Lec 57 - Oligopolies and Monopolisitc Competition

Lec 58 - Monopolistic Competition and Economic Profit

Lec 59 - Oligopolies, Duopolies, Collusion, and Cartels

Lec 60 - Prisoners' Dilemma and Nash Equilibrium

Lec 61 - More on Nash Equilibrium

Lec 62 - Why Parties to Cartels Cheat

Lec 63 - Game Theory of Cheating Firms

Lec 64 - Negative Externalities

Lec 65 - Taxes for Factoring in Negative Externalities

Lec 66 - Positive Externalities

Lec 67 - Tragedy of the Commons

Lec 68 - First Degree Price Discrimination

Lec 69 - A Firm's Marginal Product Revenue Curve

Lec 70 - How Many People to Hire Given the MPR curve

Lec 71 - Adding Demand Curves

Lec 72 - Circular Flow of Income and Expenditures

Lec 73 - Parsing Gross Domestic Product

Lec 74 - More on Final and Intermediate GDP Contributions

Lec 75 - Investment and Consumption

Lec 76 - Income and Expenditure Views of GDP

Lec 77 - Components of GDP

Lec 78 - Examples of Accounting for GDP

Lec 79 - Real GDP and Nominal GDP

Lec 80 - GDP Deflator

Lec 81 - Example Calculating Real GDP with a Deflator

Lec 82 - Introduction to Inflation

Lec 83 - Actual CPI-U Basket of Goods

Lec 84 - Phillips Curve

Lec 85 - Interest as Rent for Money

Lec 86 - Money Supply and Demand Impacting Interest Rates

Lec 87 - The Business Cycle

Lec 88 - Aggregate Demand

Lec 89 - Shifts in Aggregate Demand

Lec 90 - Long-Run Aggregate Supply

Lec 91 - Short Run Aggregate Supply

Lec 92 - Demand-Pull Inflation under Johnson

Lec 93 - Real GDP driving Price

Lec 94 - Cost Push Inflation

Lec 95 - Monetary and Fiscal Policy

Lec 96 - Tax Lever of Fiscal Policy

Lec 97 - Breakdown of Gas Prices

Lec 98 - Short-Run Oil Prices

Lec 99 - Keynesian Economics

Lec 100 - Risks of Keynesian Thinking