Lec 77 - Early Train Word Problem

Early Train Word Problem Fun word problem that is almost a brain teaser.

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Channels: Mathematics

Tags: Early Train Word Problem

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 05-09-2012.

Duration: 7m 7s

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan

Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - The Beauty of Algebra

Lec 2 - Origins of Algebra

Lec 3 - Abstract-ness

Lec 4 - Descartes and Cartesian Coordinates

Lec 5 - Variables Expressions and Equations

Lec 6 - Simple Equations

Lec 7 - Equations 2

Lec 8 - Equations 3

Lec 9 - Algebra: Linear Equations 4

Lec 10 - Algebra: Solving Inequalities

Lec 11 - Algebra: graphing lines 1

Lec 12 - Algebra: Slope and Y-intercept intuition

Lec 13 - Algebra: Slope

Lec 14 - Algebra: Slope 2

Lec 15 - Algebra: Slope 3

Lec 16 - Algebra: Equation of a line

Lec 17 - Slope and Y-intercept Intuition

Lec 18 - Averages

Lec 19 - Integer sums

Lec 20 - Taking percentages

Lec 21 - Growing by a percentage

Lec 22 - Another Percent Word Problem

Lec 23 - More percent problems

Lec 24 - systems of equations

Lec 25 - Introduction to Ratios (new HD version)

Lec 26 - Ratio problem with basic algebra (new HD)

Lec 27 - More advanced ratio problem--with Algebra (HD version)

Lec 28 - Alternate Solution to Ratio Problem (HD Version)

Lec 29 - Introduction to Ratios

Lec 30 - Advanced ratio problems

Lec 31 - Age word problems 1

Lec 32 - Age word problems 2

Lec 33 - Age word problems 3

Lec 34 - Level 1 multiplying expressions

Lec 35 - Solving a quadratic by factoring

Lec 36 - Introduction to i and Imaginary Numbers

Lec 37 - Calculating i Raised to Arbitrary Exponents

Lec 38 - i as the Principal Root of -1 (a little technical)

Lec 39 - Complex Numbers (part 1)

Lec 40 - Complex Numbers (part 2)

Lec 41 - Introduction to the quadratic equation

Lec 42 - Quadratic Equation part 2

Lec 43 - Completing the square

Lec 44 - Quadratic Formula (proof)

Lec 45 - Quadratic Inequalities

Lec 46 - Quadratic Inequalities (Visual Explanation)

Lec 47 - Introduction to functions

Lec 48 - Functions Part 2

Lec 49 - Functions (Part III)

Lec 50 - Functions (part 4)

Lec 51 - Domain of a function

Lec 52 - Proof: log a + log b = log ab

Lec 53 - Proof: A(log B) = log (B^A), log A - log B = log (A/B)

Lec 54 - Proof: log_a (B) = (log_x (B))/(log_x (A))

Lec 55 - Algebraic Long Division

Lec 56 - Introduction to Conic Sections

Lec 57 - Conic Sections: Intro to Circles

Lec 58 - Conic Sections: Intro to Ellipses

Lec 59 - Conic Sections: Intro to Hyperbolas

Lec 60 - Conic Sections: Hyperbolas 2

Lec 61 - Conic Sections: Hyperbolas 3

Lec 62 - Identifying Conics 1

Lec 63 - Identifying Conics 2

Lec 64 - Conic Identification 3

Lec 65 - Foci of an Ellipse

Lec 66 - Foci of a Hyperbola

Lec 67 - Proof: Hyperbola Foci

Lec 68 - Partial Fraction Expansion 1

Lec 69 - Partial Fraction Expansion 2

Lec 70 - Partial Fraction Expansion 3

Lec 71 - Parabola Focus and Directrix 1

Lec 72 - Focus and Directrix of a Parabola 2

Lec 73 - Two Passing Bicycles Word Problem

Lec 74 - Passed Bike Word Problem

Lec 75 - Passing Trains

Lec 76 - Overtaking Word Problem

Lec 78 - Officer on Horseback

Lec 79 - Rational Inequalities

Lec 80 - Rational Inequalities 2

Lec 81 - Interesting Polynomial Coefficient Problem

Lec 82 - Geometric series sum to figure out mortgage payments

Lec 83 - Introduction to Function Inverses

Lec 84 - Function Inverse Example 1

Lec 85 - Function Inverses Example 2

Lec 86 - Function Inverses Example 3

Lec 87 - Direct and Inverse Variation

Lec 88 - Recognizing Direct and Inverse Variation

Lec 89 - Recognizing Odd and Even Functions

Lec 90 - Connection between even and odd numbers and functions

Lec 91 - New Operator Definitions

Lec 92 - Proof by Induction

Lec 93 - Alternate Proof to Induction for Integer Sum

Lec 94 - Writing Proportions

Lec 95 - Coverting Repeating Decimals to Fractions 1

Lec 96 - Coverting Repeating Decimals to Fractions 2