"Lec 12 - The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan" Introduction to Political Philosophy (PLSC 114) This is an introduction to the political views of Thomas Hobbes, which are often deemed paradoxical. On the one hand, Hobbes is a stern defender of political absolutism. The Hobbesian doctrine of sovereignty dictates complete monopoly of power within a given territory and over all institutions of civilian or ecclesiastical authority. On the other hand, Hobbes insists on the fundamental equality of human beings. He maintains that the state is a contract between individuals, that the sovereign owes his authority to the will of those he governs and is obliged to protect the interests of the governed by assuring civil peace and security. These ideas have been interpreted by some as indicative of liberal opposition to absolutism. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction: Thomas Hobbes 07:28 - Chapter 2. Who Was Hobbes? 14:12 - Chapter 3. Comparing Hobbes to Machiavelli and Aristotle 25:26 - Chapter 4. Hobbes on Art, Science and Politics 33:55 - Chapter 5. Hobbes' "Great Question": What Makes Legitimate Authority Possible? 40:32 - Chapter 6. What Makes Hobbes' Story a Plausible Account of "The State of Nature"? Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2006.
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Tags: Bacon Cavandish Charles De Cive fortuna Francis Hobbesian Leviathan royalism sovereignty telos Thomas Hobbes universalist
Uploaded by: yalepolphi ( Send Message ) on 28-08-2012.
Duration: 45m 29s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction: What is Political Philosophy?
Lec 2 - Socratic Citizenship: Plato's Apology
Lec 3 - Socratic Citizenship: Plato's Crito
Lec 4 - Philosophers and Kings: Plato's Republic, I-II
Lec 5 - Philosophers and Kings: Plato's Republic, III-IV
Lec 6 - Philosophers and Kings: Plato's Republic, V
Lec 7 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, I, III
Lec 8 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, IV
Lec 9 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, VII
Lec 10 - New Modes and Orders: Machiavelli's The Prince (chaps. 1-12)
Lec 11 - New Modes and Orders: Machiavelli's The Prince (chaps. 13-26)
Lec 13 - The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan
Lec 14 - The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan
Lec 15 - Constitutional Government: Locke's Second Treatise (1-5)
Lec 16 - Constitutional Government: Locke's Second Treatise (7-12)
Lec 17 - Constitutional Government: Locke's Second Treatise (13-19)
Lec 18 - Democracy and Participation: Rousseau's Discourse
Lec 19 - Democracy and Participation: Rousseau's Discourse
Lec 20 - Democracy and Participation: Rousseau's Social Contract, I-II
Lec 21 - Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Lec 22 - Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Lec 23 - Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville's Democracy in America