"Lec Last - In Defense of Politics" Introduction to Political Philosophy (PLSC 114) This final lecture of the course is given "in defense of politics." First, the idea and definition of "politics" and the "political" are discussed with reference to the ideas of Immanuel Kant and twentieth-century political scientists, novelists, and philosophers such as Bernard Crick, E. M. Forster, and Carl Schmitt. Patriotism, nationalism, and cosmopolitanism are also addressed as integral parts of political life. Finally, the role of educators--and "old books"--is discussed as essential to developing a proper understanding of the political. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Bernard Crick: "In Defense of Politics" 03:55 - Chapter 2. E. M. Forster: PatriotIsm and Loyalty 07:29 - Chapter 3. Carl Schmitt and Aristotle: Patriotism and Loyalty 12:24 - Chapter 4. Immanuel Kant: Transpolitical Cosmopolitanism 16:17 - Chapter 5. Schmitt vs. Kant: NationalIsm vs. Cosmopolitanism 25:45 - Chapter 6. Ethos of the American Regime 33:05 - Chapter 7. Where Should the Study of Political Science Be Today? Who Should Educate the Educators? Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2006.
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Channels: Others
Tags: Aristotle Athens Bernard Crick Cicero Nicomachean Ethics patriotism Plato res publica Sparta sui generis
Uploaded by: yalepolphi ( Send Message ) on 28-08-2012.
Duration: 39m 2s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction: What is Political Philosophy?
Lec 2 - Socratic Citizenship: Plato's Apology
Lec 3 - Socratic Citizenship: Plato's Crito
Lec 4 - Philosophers and Kings: Plato's Republic, I-II
Lec 5 - Philosophers and Kings: Plato's Republic, III-IV
Lec 6 - Philosophers and Kings: Plato's Republic, V
Lec 7 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, I, III
Lec 8 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, IV
Lec 9 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, VII
Lec 10 - New Modes and Orders: Machiavelli's The Prince (chaps. 1-12)
Lec 11 - New Modes and Orders: Machiavelli's The Prince (chaps. 13-26)
Lec 12 - The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan
Lec 13 - The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan
Lec 14 - The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan
Lec 15 - Constitutional Government: Locke's Second Treatise (1-5)
Lec 16 - Constitutional Government: Locke's Second Treatise (7-12)
Lec 17 - Constitutional Government: Locke's Second Treatise (13-19)
Lec 18 - Democracy and Participation: Rousseau's Discourse
Lec 19 - Democracy and Participation: Rousseau's Discourse
Lec 20 - Democracy and Participation: Rousseau's Social Contract, I-II
Lec 21 - Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Lec 22 - Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Lec 23 - Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville's Democracy in America