"Lec 3 - Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA"Course Description: Intensive examination of ethical and policy issues arising from interaction of media institutions (print, film, broadcasting, and new technologies) and societal institutions (Congress, federal agencies, courts, Presidency, schools, churches, political action groups, advertisers, and audiences). About the Professor: Jim Newton is editor-at-large of the Los Angeles Times. He serves as a member of The Times' editorial board, advises on editorial matters and writes and edits for the editorial page and Op-Ed. Previously, he served as editor of the editorial pages, supervising the editorial board and overseeing its work as well as the Op-Ed page, Sunday Opinion and letters to the editor. A 20-year veteran of the Los Angeles Times, he has worked as a reporter, editor and bureau chief and has covered, among other beats, the Los Angeles Police Department, the administration of Mayor Richard Riordan, federal law enforcement and state and local politics.
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Tags: Lec 3 - Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
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Duration: 70m 33s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of UCLA
Lec 1- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 2- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 4- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 5- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 6- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 7- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 8 - Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 9- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 10- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 11- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 12- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec 13- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA
Lec Last- Journalistic Ethics, Communications Studies 187, UCLA