Lec 2- Sustainable Living, Environment 185A, UCLA

"Lec 2- Sustainable Living, Environment 185A, UCLA"Course Description Environment 185A: Sustainable Living is a sub-division of the Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP). ESLP is a student designed, student developed, and student facilitated program offered through the Institute of the Environment. The Speaker Series brings guest speakers from UCLA and across the country to speak on specialized subjects including food systems, green business, organic gardens, sustainable living, the green economy, environmental justice and transportation. Speakers range from authors, professors, community activists, environmentalists, for and non-profit business representatives, and government officials. Lecture Series Student Directors: Spencer Hill, 3rd Year, Applied Mathematics/Atmospheric, Oceanic and Environmental Science Double Major Isis Krause, 4th Year, Geography/Environmental Studies Hayley Moller, 3rd Year, Environmental Science Major Guest Speaker: Tara Kolla is the owner and urban farmer behind Silver Lake Farms, and a founding member of Urban Farming Advocates‐LA. Inspired by the LA climate, the Silver Lake Farmers Market, and a desire to put her half‐acre garden to work in a sustainable way, Tara founded Silver Lake Farms and became a Certified Farmer in 2004 growing organic cut flowers for market. She became a regular vendor at local farmers markets within a five‐mile radius offering pesticide‐free, locally grown, seasonal cut flowers, which are hard to find. In 2009, she switched to organic vegetable production, launched a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program and became a founding member of Urban Farming Advocates (UFA), an organization that supports local agriculture by striving to increase LAs access to locally grown, pesticide‐free food and flowers. UFA is currently working with City Hall to revise a 1946 LA City Ordinance that prohibits the growing of fruit, flowers and seedlings in residential gardens for sale off‐site, at farmers markets for example. In addition to farming and running a CSA, Tara teaches organic gardening, offers on‐site consultations, and designs and installs vegetable garden. Tara Kolla attended Pierce College in Woodland Hills, California, to study Botany, Horticulture, Soil Science, Plant Identification and Landscape Design. Note: Some clips and images may have been blurred or removed to avoid copyright infringement. * See all the UCLA Psychology 116: Neuroscience Lab lectures in this series: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=4625A5EA38596A85 * See more courses from UCLA: http://www.youtube.com/uclacourses * See more from UCLA's main channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucla

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