Lec 4 - Sustainable Living Program

"Lec 4 - Sustainable Living Program" Tim Papandreou on "Transportation," as part of the Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP). ESLP is a student designed, student developed, and student facilitated program offered through UCLA's Institute of the Environment. ESLP runs a Lecture Series which brings guest speakers from UCLA and across the country to speak on specialized subjects including food systems, green business, organic gardens, sustainable living, the green economy, environmental justice, transportation, as well as sustainability projects across Los Angeles. More information can be found at www.eslp-la.com. A committed leader and an early adopter of the low-carbon diet and lifestyle, Timothy Papandreou has worked as an urban planner in Los Angeles and Australia, and will soon oversee the transportation planning and development program for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. At the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), Papandreou spent nine years working with public, business and community sectors to develop more sustainable transportation funding policies, programs and solutions. He is a founding board member of Cultivating Sustainable Communities, a non-profit that empowers people to become more sustainable through affordable land trusts, energy efficiency and urban food garden programs. Some clips and images may have been blurred or removed to avoid copyright infringement. * See all the UCLA Education for Sustainable Living classes in this series: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=970187D814A61677 * See more courses from UCLA: http://www.youtube.com/uclacourses * See more from UCLA's main channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucla

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of UCLA