Lec 3 - Socratic Citizenship: Plato's Crito

"Lec 3 - Socratic Citizenship: Plato's Crito" Introduction to Political Philosophy (PLSC 114) In the Apology, Socrates proposes a new kind of citizenship in opposition to the traditional one that was based on the poetic conception of Homer. Socrates' is a philosophical citizenship, relying on one's own powers of independent reason and judgment. The Crito, a dialogue taking place in Socrates' prison cell, is about civil obedience, piety, and the duty of every citizen to respect and live by the laws of the community. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Was Socrates Guilty or Innocent? 02:22 - Chapter 2. The Socratic Citizen 09:39 - Chapter 3. Principled DIsobedience to the Law 24:07 - Chapter 4. Crito's Apology: "Companion Dialogue" 42:22 - Chapter 5. Applying Lessons from Fourth-Century Athens to Our World Today Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2006.

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