MicrobeWorld visits the Marian Koshland Science Museum for "Microbe Lab," a free day of activities for the general public. In this episode we interview Erika Shugart, deputy director of the Koshland Museum, about "Microbe Lab" and the Crack Koshie's Curious Case: A Disease Detective Mission activity. Next, we talk with Nagla Fetouh, Education Program Manager for the Koshland Museum, who led a disease exchange activity that teaches people about ways to control the spread of infectious disease by participating in a simulation that shows just how fast illness can spread. Finally, Eric Flem, Communications Manager for Nikon Instruments, Inc., led us through a demonstration of Nikon's Coolscope. A state of the art microscope used by clinicians and educators that has the ability to broadcast images live on the internet.
Channels: Microbiology Interviews
Tags: Coolscope Eric Erika Fetouh Flem Koshland Microbe Museum Nagla Nikon Science Shugart
Uploaded by: microbeworld ( Send Message ) on 13-04-2010.
Duration: 4m 38s