Lec 68 - Exponent Properties 1

Exponent Properties 1 u11_l1_t2_we1 Exponent Properties 1

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Channels: Mathematics

Tags: Exponent Properties 1

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 17-09-2012.

Duration: 2m 36s

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Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Reading Pictographs

Lec 2 - Reading Bar Graphs

Lec 3 - Reading Pie Graphs (Circle Graphs)

Lec 4 - u08_l1_t2_we2 Reading Line Graphs

Lec 5 - u08_l1_t2_we3 Stem-and-leaf Plots

Lec 6 - Mean Median and Mode

Lec 7 - Range and Mid-range

Lec 8 - Measures of Center

Lec 9 - Reading Box-and-Whisker Plots

Lec 10 - Box-and-Whisker Plots

Lec 11 - Misleading Line Graphs

Lec 12 - Simple Probability

Lec 13 - Probability of More Complex Outcome

Lec 14 - Coin Flipping Example

Lec 15 - Variables and Expressions 1

Lec 16 - Evaluating Expressions with Two Variables

Lec 17 - Locate integers on a number line

Lec 18 - Absolute Value of Integers

Lec 19 - Opposite of a given number

Lec 20 - u09 l1 t2 we4 Adding Real Numbers Application

Lec 21 - Points on a number line

Lec 22 - Number Sets

Lec 23 - Comparing Rational Numbers

Lec 24 - Identifying Rational Numbers

Lec 25 - Adding Negative Numbers

Lec 26 - Adding integers with different signs

Lec 27 - Adding real numbers with different signs

Lec 28 - Adding fractions with different signs

Lec 29 - Identity property of 0

Lec 30 - Application of addition of real numbers

Lec 31 - Subtracting Real Numbers

Lec 32 - Adding and subtracting real numbers

Lec 33 - Adding and subtracting real numbers application

Lec 34 - Multiplying negative real numbers

Lec 35 - Dividing real numbers with different signs

Lec 36 - Identity property of 1 (second example)

Lec 37 - Multiplying real number application

Lec 38 - Commutative Property for Addition

Lec 39 - Associative property for multiplication

Lec 40 - Distributive property 3

Lec 41 - Order of Operations 1

Lec 42 - Order of Operations 2 (old)

Lec 43 - Solving One-Step Equations

Lec 44 - Solving One-Step Equations 2

Lec 45 - Multi-step equations 1

Lec 46 - One-Step Equation Involving Fractions

Lec 47 - Multi-step equations 2

Lec 48 - More Involved Multi-Step Equation

Lec 49 - Equation Special Cases

Lec 50 - Application problems with equation in one variable

Lec 51 - Evaluate a formula using substitution

Lec 52 - Rearrange formulas to isolate specific variables

Lec 53 - Inequalities on a number line

Lec 54 - One-Step Inequalities

Lec 55 - One-Step Inequalities 2

Lec 56 - Multi-Step Inequalities

Lec 57 - Multi-Step Inequalities 2

Lec 58 - Compund Inequalities

Lec 59 - Compund Inequalities 2

Lec 60 - Compound Inequalities 3

Lec 61 - Compound Inequalities 4

Lec 62 - Absolute Value Equations Example 1

Lec 63 - Absolute Value Inequalities Example 2

Lec 64 - Absolute Value Equations 2

Lec 65 - Evaluating exponential expressions

Lec 66 - Evaluating exponential expressions 2

Lec 67 - Negative and Positive Exponents

Lec 69 - Exponent Properties 2

Lec 70 - Exponent Properties 3

Lec 71 - Exponent Properties 4

Lec 72 - Exponent Properties 5

Lec 73 - Exponent Properties 6

Lec 74 - Exponent Properties 7

Lec 75 - Scientific Notation I

Lec 76 - Scientific Notation Example 2

Lec 77 - Scientific Notation 3 (new)

Lec 78 - Multiplying in Scientific Notation

Lec 79 - Terms coefficients and exponents in a polynomial

Lec 80 - Evaluating a polynomial at a given value

Lec 81 - Simply a polynomial

Lec 82 - Adding Polynomials

Lec 83 - Opposite of a Polynomial

Lec 84 - Subtracting Polynomials

Lec 85 - Multiplying Monomials

Lec 86 - Multiplying Monomials by Polynomials

Lec 87 - Multiplying Binomials

Lec 88 - Multiplying Polynomials

Lec 89 - Special Polynomials Products 1

Lec 90 - Square a Binomial

Lec 91 - Polynomial divided by monomial

Lec 92 - Dividing Monomials

Lec 93 - Dividing polynomials 1

Lec 94 - Dividing polynomials with remainders

Lec 95 - Evaluating an expression with multiple variables

Lec 96 - Simplifying an expression with multiple variables

Lec 97 - Simplifying Multivariable Polynomial

Lec 98 - Subtracting polynomials with multiple variables

Lec 99 - More multiplying polynomials

Lec 100 - Dividing multivariable polynomial with monomial

Lec 101 - Monomial Greatest Common Factor