Lec 11 - What the Second Generation Holds

"Lec 11 - What the Second Generation Holds" January 17, 2007 lecture by Philip Levis for the Stanford University Computer Systems Colloquium (EE 380). In this tutorial, the TinyOS is detailed, including how the novel constraints of sensor networks led to its design; also covered: the role TinyOS plays in the current deployed sensor networks, the emerging network architecture within the TinyOS clouds, and what implications these clouds have on current and future Internet systems. EE 380 | Computer Systems Colloquium: http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee380/ Stanford Computer Systems Laboratory: http://csl.stanford.edu/ Stanford Center for Professional Development: http://scpd.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanforduniversity/

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