"Lec 3 - Sensing Technologies for Future Computing Form Factors" October 27, 2006 lecture by Andy Wilson for the Stanford University Human Computer Interaction Seminar (CS547). Andy presents a series of projects which exploit sensing technologies such as computer vision to enable a wide variety of fluid, natural interactions situated on walls and tabletop surfaces. CS 547 | Human-Computer Interaction Seminar: http://hci.stanford.edu/seminar/ Stanford HCI Group: http://hci.stanford.edu/ Stanford Center for Professional Development: http://scpd.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanforduniversity/
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Channels: Computer Science
Tags: Lec 3 - Sensing Technologies for Future Computing Form Factors
Uploaded by: stanfordcompinte ( Send Message ) on 14-09-2012.
Duration: 92m 6s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1 - Finding Balance: Addressing Cognitive Dissonances
Lec 2 - Expressive Intelligence: AI, Games and New Media
Lec 4 - Designing for the Self
Lec 5 - From Personal Computers to Personal Information Environments
Lec 6 - Windows Vista Dev: Innovation on User Research Methods
Lec 7 - Technology for Developing Regions
Lec 8 - Koala: End User Programming on the Web
Lec 9 - Multiplayer Games: Psychological Engagement and Implications
Lec 10 - Problems and Solutions With
Lec 11 - Usability and Software Architecture: The Forgotten Problems
Lec 12 - Bill Moggridge: Designing Interactions
Lec 13 - Don Norman: The Design of Future Things
Lec 14 - Why Phones Are Not Computers
Lec 15 - Better Game Characters By Design
Lec 16 - Interactive Diagrams of Complex 3D Objects
Lec 17 - Paying Attention to Interruption: A Human-Centered Approach
Lec 18 - GUIDE: Gaze-Enhanced User Interface Design
Lec 19 - Looking at Prototypes As More Than Immature Proto-Products
Lec 20 - What History Can Teach Us About Evaluation in HCI
Lec 21 - Knowledge Media to Aid Communications and Human Cognition
Lec 22 - Collaborative Observatories for Natural Environments
Lec 23 - The Design of Implicit Interactions
Lec 24 - Building the Danger Hiptop: a New Mobile Internet Platform