Lec 6 - Hope as the New Normal: National Recovery Through the 3/11 Disaster | Post-Disaster Japan

"Lec 6 - Hope as the New Normal: National Recovery Through the 3/11 Disaster | Post-Disaster Japan" Program on U.S.-Japan Relations / Edwin O. Reischauer Insitute of Japanese Studies Reischauer Institute Japan Forum Speaker: David Leheny Henry Wendt III '55 Professor of East Asian Studies, Princeton University Moderator: Susan J. Pharr Edwin O. Reischauer Professor of Japanese Politics, Harvard University Introduction: Andrew Gordon Director, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University Time: October 28, 2011 | 4:00-5:30pm Location: Belfer Case Study Room (S020), Japan Friends of Harvard Concourse, CGIS South Bldg., 1730 Cambridge St. Co-sponsored by the Weatherhead Center Program on U.S.-Japan Relations Special Series on Post-Disaster Japan

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