Banking 6: Bank Notes and Checks More on how bank notes and checks can be used.
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Uploaded by: khanbankingmoney ( Send Message ) on 10-09-2012.
Duration: 11m 2s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan
Lec 2 - Banking 2: A bank's income statement
Lec 3 - Banking 3: Fractional Reserve Banking
Lec 4 - Banking 4: Multiplier effect and the money supply
Lec 5 - Banking 5: Introduction to Bank Notes
Lec 7 - Banking 7: Giving out loans without giving out gold
Lec 8 - Banking 8: Reserve Ratios
Lec 9 - Banking 9: More on Reserve Ratios (Bad sound)
Lec 10 - Banking 10: Introduction to leverage (bad sound)
Lec 11 - Banking 11: A reserve bank
Lec 12 - Banking 12: Treasuries (government debt)
Lec 13 - Banking 13: Open Market Operations
Lec 14 - Banking 14: Fed Funds Rate
Lec 15 - Banking 15: More on the Fed Funds Rate
Lec 16 - Banking 16: Why target rates vs. money supply
Lec 17 - Banking 17: What happened to the gold?
Lec 18 - Banking 18: Big Picture Discussion
Lec 20 - Repurchase Agreements (Repo transactions)
Lec 21 - Federal Reserve Balance Sheet
Lec 22 - Fractional Reserve Banking Commentary 1
Lec 23 - FRB Commentary 2: Deposit Insurance