Lec 48 - Archwire Materials and Selection

"Lec 48 - Archwire Materials and Selection" This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education

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Channels: Medical

Tags: Lec 48 - Archwire Materials and Selection

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 09-09-2012.

Duration: 38m 3s

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan

Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Preclinical Orthodontics at the University of Michigan

Lec 2 - Orthodontic Banding of First Permanent Molar

Lec 3 - Technical Construction of Lingual Wire

Lec 4 - Orthodontic Facebow Wirebending Techniques

Lec 5 - Orthodontic Facebow Construction

Lec 6 - Care of Oral Tissues During Orthodontic Therapy

Lec 7 - Basic Wire Bending - Part Four : Hawley Labial Wire

Lec 8 - Basic Wire Bending - Part Three : Finger Spring Wire Bending

Lec 9 - Basic Wire Bending - Part Two: Circumferential Clasp Wire Bending

Lec 10 - Basic Wire Bending - Part One: Adams Clasp Wire Bending

Lec 11 - Basic Wire Bending - Part Six: Curves and Loops

Lec 12 - Basic Wire Bending - Part Five : Right Angle Bends

Lec 13 - Basic Wire Bending Techniques

Lec 14 - Wire Bending for Removable Acrylic Appliances

Lec 15 - Crossbite Cases

Lec 16 - Soldering Technique Exercises

Lec 17 - Model Trimming

Lec 18 - Orthodontic Screening Examination

Lec 19 - Mixed Dentition Analysis

Lec 20 - Traumatic Occlusion: Orthodontic & Restorative Consideration

Lec 21 - Orthodontic Model Trimming

Lec 22 - Orthodontic Alginate Impression Techniques

Lec 23 - Horizontal Lingual Arch

Lec 24 - Diastema Closure - Hawley Retainer

Lec 25 - Technical Construction of the Porter Wire Appliance

Lec 26 - Eighth Goal of Orthodontics

Lec 27 -Oral Shield As a Habit-Control Orthodontic Appliance

Lec 28 - Orthodontic Acrylic Technique

Lec 29 - Orthodontic Spotwelding Technique

Lec 30 - Porter and Lingual Wire Soldering Techniques

Lec 31 - Principles of Bonding

Lec 32 - The Facial Mask: Delivery

Lec 33 - Bonding Large Acrylic Appliances

Lec 34 - New Basic Wire Bending Techniques

Lec 35 - Utility Arches

Lec 36 - Bonding Brackets

Lec 37 - Interview with Dr. Arthur B. Lewis

Lec 38 - Interview with Dr. Robert M. Ricketts

Lec 39 - Twin Block Traction Technique

Lec 40 - Anatomy of an Orthodontic Claim

Lec 41 - TMJ Disorders, Malpractice and the Orthodontist

Lec 42 - Anterior and Posterior Interproximal Stripping

Lec 43 - Serial Extraction

Lec 44 - Interview with Prof. Rolf Frankel (May 1983)

Lec 45 - Chin Cup Therapy

Lec 46 - Distalizing Maxillary Molars

Lec 47 - Modular 3-D Lingual Arch

Lec 49 - Occlusion, Orthodontic Treatment and TM Disorders

Lec Last - Orthognathic Surgery