"Lec 5 - Construction of an Occlusal Bite Splint" Construction of an occlusal bite splint is demonstrated. Key points include application of wax to cast, build up of cuspid rise, and interferences. Orig. air date: DEC 10 73 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 5 Construction of an Occlusal Bite Splint
Uploaded by: michiganoclusion ( Send Message ) on 09-09-2012.
Duration: 17m 45s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 1- Waxing the Full Coverage Bite Splint
Lec 2 - Bite Raising Splint (Evaluation)
Lec 3 - Four-Bicuspid Extraction
Lec 6- Occlusal Adjustment of Mounted Cast
Lec 7 - Fabricating Pontic Splint, Soldering Lugs, Investing/Casting
Lec 8 - TMJ Occlusion Embouchure
Lec 9 - Occlusion: Acute Traumatic TMJ Arthritis III
Lec 10 - Occlusion: Scleroderma and Occlusal Dysfunction
Lec11 - Occlusal Adjustment - Centric Relation
Lec12 - Occlusal Adjustment - Lateral Excursion
Lec13 - Occlusal Adjustment - Protrusive Movement
Lec14 - Setting the Fully Adjustable Articulator
Lec15 - Use of the Kinesiograph in the Study of Jaw Movements
Lec16 - Delivering and Adjusting the Occlusal Bite Plane Splint
Lec17 - Waxing of an Occlusal Bite Plane Splint
Lec19 - Denar Reusable Clutch System
Lec20 - Examination of Occlusion
Lec21 - Occlusal Adjustment Part I (Centric)
Lec22 - Occlusal Adjustment Part II (Lateral & Protrusive)
Lec23 - Waxing Occlusion in Harmony with Mandibular Movements
Lec24 - Electroformed Die Technique for Rubber Base Impressions
Lec25 - Pressure Control During Complete Denture Impressions
Lec 26 - Physiologic Basis for Removable Appliances
Lec 28 - Fabrication of Die and Cast
Lec 29 - Traumatic Occlusion: Orthodontic & Restorative Consideration
Lec 31 - Terminal Hinge Movement
Lec 32 - Mounting Stone Casts on a Whip Mix Articulator - Part I
Lec 33 - Mounting Stone Casts on a Hanau Articulator
Lec 34 - Mounting the Maxillary Cast on the Articulator
Lec 35 - Zeroing the Articulator
Lec 36 - Mounting the Mandibular Casts on the Articulator
Lec 37 - Basic Articulator Movements
Lec 38 - Zeroing the Hanau Articulator
Lec 39 - Principles of Mounting Stone Casts in an Articulator
Lec 40 - Comparing Arcon and Condylar Articulators
Lec 41 - Mounting Stone Casts on a Whip Mix Articulator
Lec 42 - Terminal Hinge Axis Location
Lec 43 - Zeroing The Hanau H2-PR Articulator
Lec 45-Mounting of Casts in a Semi-Adj. Artic.
Lec 46 - Fabrication of Bite Plane Splint, Part III
Lec 47 - Fabrication of Bite Plane Splint, Part II:
Lec 48 - Fabrication of Bite Plane Splint, Part I
Lec 49 - Waxing Occlusion in Harmony with Movements
Lec 50-Occlusal Problems Due to Incorrect Procedures
Lec 51 - Orienting Pantograph to Patient
Lec 52 - Intermaxillary Relations - Centric Relations
Lec 53 - Occlusion: Myomonitor Centric
Lec 54 - Waxing the Complete Denture
Lec 55 - Intermaxillary Relations,
Lec 56 - Detection of Occlusal Dysfunction
Lec 57 - Occlusal-Partial Denture Failure
Lec 58 - Discrepancies in Vertical Relations
Lec 59 - Determinants of Occlusal Morphology
Lec 60 - Functional Waxing of Mandibular Bridge
Lec 61 - Preparation of Immediate Denture for Delivery
Lec 62 - Occlusion: Balancing Side Interferences
Lec 63 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Problem Bridge Cases
Lec 64 - Split Cast Remount and Equilibration in Centric Occlusion
Lec 65 - Equilibration in Working and Balancing
Lec 66 - Posterior Teeth - Balanced Occlusion
Lec 67 - Introduction to Clinical Occlusal Examination
Lec 68 - Mounting the Master Casts on the Articulator
Lec 69 - Mechanical Articulator
Lec 70 - Functional Waxing Review
Lec 71 - Maxillo-mandibular Jaw Relations
Lec 72 - Wax Bites for Study Casts
Lec 73 - Electromyographic Biofeedback
Lec 74 - Waxing Exercise - Part 1
Lec 75 - Waxing Exercise - Part 2
Lec 76 - Waxing Occlusion in Harmony With Mandibular Movements
Lec 78 - The Clinical Occlusal Examination
Lec 79 - Occlusal Examination of Correctly Articulated Casts
Lec 80 - Tooth Reduction and Wax Manipulation
Lec 81 - Analysis from Centric Occlusion
Lec 82 - Performing a Pantographic Survey
Lec 83 - Correction of the Occlusion After Processing
Lec 84 - Registration Technique for Occlusal Analysis and Prosthodontic Treatment
Lec 85 - Occlusion: Balancing Interferences and Bruxism
Lec Last - Mounting Stone Casts on a Whip Mix Articulator - Part III