"Lec 22 - DENT 718: Immediate Insertion Removable Appliances" Lecture 1 in a course on creating removable prosthodontic appliances (dentures). This lecture covers removable temporary dentures. This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 22 - DENT 718: Immediate Insertion Removable Appliances
Uploaded by: michiganprostho ( Send Message ) on 09-09-2012.
Duration: 36m 6s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 1 - Implant X-Ray Guide - Single
Lec 2 - Implant X-Ray Guide - Double
Lec 3 - Overdenture X-ray Guide Modification
Lec 5 - 2.8 mm Drilling Guide - Single
Lec 6 - 3.5mm Drilling Guide - Double
Lec 7 - 2.2mm Surgical Guide - Double
Lec 8 - Two Implant Overdenture Drilling Guide
Lec 9 - Placing Implant Abutments
Lec 10 - X-Ray Guide: Overdentures
Lec 11 - Provisional Restorations and Boxing the Impression
Lec 12 - Fabricating Provisional Crowns
Lec 13 - DENT 718: Two-implant supported overdenture treatment
Lec 14 - 718: Implant-supported dentures
Lec 15 - DENT 718: Rotational path partial dentures
Lec 16 - DENT 718: Partial denture attachments
Lec 17 - DENT 718: Classification and components of removable partial dentures
Lec 18 - DENT 718: Removable partial dentures: design considerations
Lec 19 - DENT 718: Tooth supported overdentures
Lec 20 - DENT 718: Repairing complete and partial dentures