"Lec 2 - Behavioral Evolution" (March 31, 2010) Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky lectures on the biology of behavioral evolution and thoroughly discusses examples such as The Prisoner's Dilemma. Stanford University http://www.stanford.edu Stanford Department of Biology http://biology.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/stanford
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Channels: Genetics
Tags: human life evolution science nature nash equilibrium social society culture evolutionary psychology trait darwin natural selection speciation variability genetic heritable reproduction kinship fitness animal reciprocal altruism cooper
Uploaded by: stanfordhumanbio ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 96m 57s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1 - Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology
Lec 3 - Behavioral Evolution II
Lec 7 - Behavioral Genetics II
Lec 10 - Introduction to Neuroscience I
Lec 11 - Introduction to Neuroscience II
Lec 13 - Advanced Neurology and Endocrinology
Lec 15 - Human Sexual Behavior I
Lec 16 - Human Sexual Behavior II
Lec 17 - Human Sexual Behavior III & Aggression I
Lec 21 - Chaos and Reductionism