"Lec 13 - Advanced Neurology and Endocrinology" (April 28, 2010) Robert Sapolsky continues the exploration of endocrinology and neurology. He looks at more complicated systems of communication within neurobiology, the limbic system's role in personality and behavior, abnormal behavior possibilities within these systems, and individual organism variation and imprinting. Stanford University http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford Department of Biology http://biology.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/stanford
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Channels: Genetics
Tags: Science Interdisciplinary Bioengineering Genetic Sociobiology Darwin Evolution Endocrine Neurobiology Sexual Species Natural Selection Learning Animal Organism Environment Heritability Reproduce Reproduction Survive Gene Variability
Uploaded by: stanfordhumanbio ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 73m 1s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1 - Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology
Lec 3 - Behavioral Evolution II
Lec 7 - Behavioral Genetics II
Lec 10 - Introduction to Neuroscience I
Lec 11 - Introduction to Neuroscience II
Lec 15 - Human Sexual Behavior I
Lec 16 - Human Sexual Behavior II
Lec 17 - Human Sexual Behavior III & Aggression I
Lec 21 - Chaos and Reductionism