"Lec 7 - Catastrophic Impacts in Earth's History" (February 2, 2010) David Morrison, NASA Lunar Science Institute, discusses the discovery of the cretaceous catastrophe that caused the last mass extinction and explains NASA's research on the danger of similar events occurring in Earth's near future. Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford
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Channels: Astrophysics Biophysics
Tags: science biology astrobiology physics geology history organic chemistry earth catastrophe life mass extinction fossil comet asteroid marine sediment extra-terrestrial material cretaceous NASA conspiracy theory ask an astrobiologist fain
Uploaded by: stanfordbioastro ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 80m 5s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1 - From Astrochemistry to Astrobiology
Lec 2 - The Search for other Earths and Life in the Universe
Lec 5 - Life in Extreme Environments
Lec 6 - How Predictable Is Evolution?
Lec 8 - The Search for Life on Mars
Lec 10 - Life Beyond It's Planet of Origin
Lec 11 - Biologically Reversible Exploration
Lec 12 - Advanced Life Support Systems