Lec 3- Electrical Engineering 40 - KVL, KCL, sign conventions

Lec 3- Electrical Engineering 40 - KVL, KCL, sign conventions. Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of UCBerkeley

Lecture list for this course

Lec 1- Electrical Engineering 40 - Electronic circuit design

Lec 2- Electrical Engineering 40 -Schematic diagrams

Lec 4- Electrical Engineering 40 - Power and energy

Lec 5- Electrical Engineering 40 - Circuit components

Lec 6- Electrical Engineering 40 - Resistive circuits: series, parallel, dividers

Lec 7- Electrical Engineering 40 - Applications: DVM, sensors

Lec 8- Electrical Engineering 40 - Source transformation

Lec 9- Electrical Engineering 40 - Node voltage analysis

Lec 10- Electrical Engineering 40 - Linearity, superposi

Lec 11- Electrical Engineering 40 - Circuit simulation

Lec 12- Electrical Engineering 40- Operational amplifie

Lec 13- Electrical Engineering 40 - Input resistance

Lec 14- Electrical Engineering 40 - Output resistance

Lec 15- Electrical Engineering 40 - Applications: instru

Lec 16- Electrical Engineering 40 - Capacitance

Lec 17- Electrical Engineering 40 - SC circuits

Lec 18- Electrical Engineering 40 - RC circuits

Lec 19- Electrical Engineering 40 - Inductance

Lec20- Electrical Engineering 40 - RLC circuits - Only

Lec 21- Electrical Engineering 40 - Binary signals,

Lec 22- Electrical Engineering 40 - Boolean logic

Lec 23- Electrical Engineering 40 - Transistors

Lec 24- Electrical Engineering 40 - Power dissipation

Lec 25- Electrical Engineering 40 - Delay calculation

Lec 26- Electrical Engineering 40 - Memory

Lec 27- Electrical Engineering 40 - Flip-flops

Lec 28- Electrical Engineering 40 - Sequential circuits

Lec 29- Electrical Engineering 40 - Phasors, impedance

Lec 30- Electrical Engineering 40 - Transfer functions

Lec 31- Electrical Engineering 40 - Bode plots

Lec 32- Electrical Engineering 40 - Frequency response e

Lec 33- Electrical Engineering 40 - Filters

Lec 34- Electrical Engineering 40 - Power-speed-accuracy

Lec 35- Electrical Engineering 40 - Complex power

Lec 36- Electrical Engineering 40