Lec 9 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, VII

"Lec 9 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, VII" Introduction to Political Philosophy (PLSC 114) This final lecture on Aristotle focuses on controlling conflict between factions. Polity as a mixture of the principles of oligarchy and democracy, is the regime that, according to Aristotle, can most successfully control factions and avoid dominance by either extreme. Professor Smith asserts that the idea of the polity anticipates Madison's call for a government in which powers are separated and kept in check and balance, avoiding therefore the extremes of both tyranny and civil war. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Polity: The Regime that Most Successfully Controls for Faction 07:30 - Chapter 2. The Importance of Property and Commerce for a Flourishing Republic 12:28 - Chapter 3. The Aristocratic Republic: A Model for the Best Regime 26:50 - Chapter 4. What Is Aristotle's Political Science? 35:21 - Chapter 5. Who Is a Statesman? 37:54 - Chapter 6. The Method of Aristotle's Political Science Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2006.

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