Mitotic spindle peptidase

Mitotic spindle peptidase - PMAP;. www.​proteolysis.​org Prostate-spe­cif­ic mem­brane anti­gen (PSMA, NAAG Pep­ti­dase, FOLH1) is lo­cal­ized in the vicin­i­ty of mi­tot­ic spin­dle poles and as­so­ci­ates with the anaphase-pro­mot­ing com­plex (APC). Mol Can­cer Ther. 2008 Jul;7(7) PS­MA-ex­press­ing cells pre­ma­ture­ly de­grade cy­clin B and exit mi­to­sis due to in­creased APC ac­tiv­i­ty and in­com­plete in­ac­ti­va­tion of APC by the spin­dle as­sem­bly check­point. The cell cycle, or cell-di­vi­sion cycle, is the se­ries of events that take place in a eu­kary­ot­ic cell lead­ing to its repli­ca­tion. These events can be di­vid­ed in two brief pe­ri­ods: in­ter­phase—dur­ing which the cell grows, ac­cu­mu­lat­ing nu­tri­ents need­ed for mi­to­sis and du­pli­cat­ing its DNA—and the mi­tot­ic (M) phase, dur­ing which the cell splits it­self into two dis­tinct cells, often called "daugh­ter cells". Client: As­traZeneca/On­col­o­gy Di­vi­sion www.​astrazeneca-us.​com

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Tags: Mitotic spindle peptidase

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 24-11-2010.

Duration: 2m 55s